How to Rank Your Old Content in Google First Page

How to Rank Your Old Content in Google First Page :

How To Rank Old Content In Google

Hey, old outdated content, it's not going to rank anymore, That's a bunch of baloney, You can do it. Did you know that even though I create one new article per week on, my team and I,we;re updating over 20 articles per month that are old and outdated.

That's what's driving us roughly four million visitors a month. And I am going to share with you my exact formula so you can replicate it. The first thing I want you to do is use Google Search Console and Ubersuggest and combine them together.

So with Google Search Console, you are going to see your traffic over time, per page. What I want you to look for is your old articles that are dipping. Your old articles that are dipping and getting less and less traffic over time, that means they need to be refreshed and updated.

So what I want you to do is look at those articles that are dropping in traffic in Google Search Console, take those keywords that that article's ranking for and put them within Ubersuggest.

It'll tell you all the other phrases, long-tell versions that get traffic. Now, I want you to go back to that article that Google Search Console showed is losing traffic. That old, outdated piece of content. Look at it, and be like, Hm, what can I do to make this page better?

What's outdated? What needs to be removed? What needs to be fixed? :

What's outdated? What needs to be removed? What needs to be fixed? And I want you to do all those things. Because when you put the user first you are much more likely to rank better. But its not just about updating and making it fresh.Its also about expanding it and making it more thorough and better than all the other competitors. So by using Ubersuggest you can look at all the other long-tell phrases, the question and answers.

This will all help you figure out user intent when they are searching. By integrating all these other phrases and keywords with in the article you are making it much more thorough, so you all find that your older content will rank better. The second thing I want you to do is work on improving your click-through rates through your title and meta description tags. So there's this tool out there called Click Flow.

Click Flow

And what Click Flow does is just only helps you optimize your title tag and meta description click rates.It's a simple thing to do but very few SeoHelpRks do it. Remember, just because you rank number two or three or five on Google does't mean that you need to rank higher to get more traffic. If you convince more people to click on your listing over the competitor's by optimizing your copy and your title tag and your meta description, you're going to crush it.

But here's the key to all of this. If you create something that's persuasive, you'll do better. And then over time your rankings will go up because Google knows that hey, if more people are clicking on the fifth listing in the page one instead of the fourth listing that means we should probably move the fifth listing to fourth and the fourth one to the fifth spot.

But you can't just make a change and expect it to miraculously work. Click Flow will guide you and it'll tell you what changes to make in your title tag and your meta description to maximize your click-through rate.

The third thing I want you to do is delete your old articles that no longer are relevant. For example, I had articles on my blog related to Vine. Twitter shut down Vine. I could update it, but what is the point of updating a article on a service or a company that no longer exists. So, I don't want you to just delete your old content that's irrelevant anymore, that can't be updated. I want you to take those articles and 301 redirect them to the most relevant articles. That way you are pushing more juice into the more relevant ones, and they rank better.

The next thing I want you to do is push more internal links to your older articles. As you write newer content you forget about your older pieces of content. Those gems that still can do well. So I want you to take all these new pieces of content that you are writing and link to the old articles when it makes sense.

You are putting more life into the old pieces of content. That way they rank higher. Heck, you can even take these old pieces of content, the ones that do really well, these cornerstone pages, and put them in your sidebar and link to them, right? .They can be your most popular articles.

The fifth thing I have for you is embed multimedia into your old articles. Look, nowadays there;s videos, podcasts, there;s info-graphics, on whatever you have written about in the past.So take some of these pieces and integrate them into your old articles.It brings new life to them.

Makes them more fresh.And best of all, it improves your time on site,reduces your bounce rate.It tells Bing and Google, hey, this page, people love it.It has amazing user metrics, maybe we should rank it higher.And that;s what you;ll find as you embed more multimedia. you'll notice there;s a ton of multimedia in there.

Why? Because I found that it improves my rankings. Specifically improves my time on site, which indirectly has improved my rankings. The sixth thing I want you to does adjust the last updated date for your old pieces of content. So if your old pieces of content were in five years ago and you make a ton of changes, you should adjust the day on when that article was updated and notify Google.

This is easy to do within WordPress. If you don't have WordPress, its going to vary per CMS, but by updating the date that it was updated or published, what you will find is Google will be like, wow! You just breathed new life into this old article. Not only did you update it, the timestamp is different, people should see it, they will start pushing it higher and higher up.

Google does not want to rank old, nasty, stale content compared to new, fresh stuff as often. So take your old stuff, you don't have to rewrite it, but as you update it, update the date as well. And don't be sneaky, and just be like, oh, let me update one sentence, and then update the date.

Google's not going to like that. I don't recommend that. Only update the date when you update a ton of the content. The last thing I want you to do is promote your old content consistently. So as you update it, you can see who is sharing your competitor's articles that are similar.

You can go to that URL, put it into Twitter and see who tweeted it out, and ask them to tweet it. And by breathing new life and marketing your old content again and again, it;s going to improve this rankings, right? Google's looking at are your old pieces of content continually building links? Are they continually generating social shares? All these factors matter.

Maybe not in the short run, but in the long run all these little things add up and that's when you see the boost in rankings. Now when you do all these things you'll notice that your old content won't just go from ranking at a mediocre place to ranking at the top of page one, it ll slowly climb up.

It's very rare that Google just takes you from being bottom of page three to top of page one. They slowly and gradually move you up. But when you combine all this stuff, your old outdated content will start ranking higher. And if you need more help improving your search traffic, your rankings contact this mail

Thanx SeoHelpRks

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